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Since the factory contract address in the sdk is fixed, but the difference in the nonce values of the contracts deployed by capricorn on the official network and the test network causes the contract address not to be fixed, if you want to use the sdk of the test environment, you have to replace the factory address value and init_code_hash manually


Main Network:

export const FACTORY_ADDRESS = '0x33CB4150f3ADFCD92fbFA3309823A2a242bF280f'

export const INIT_CODE_HASH = '0xb0c8165c8794e81a0f70b99700e6427abb5d0df7a5cc78b5d5479ae71d1a6eea'

export const MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY = JSBI.BigInt(1000)

// exports for internal consumption
export const ZERO = JSBI.BigInt(0)
export const ONE = JSBI.BigInt(1)
export const TWO = JSBI.BigInt(2)
export const THREE = JSBI.BigInt(3)
export const FIVE = JSBI.BigInt(5)
export const TEN = JSBI.BigInt(10)
export const _100 = JSBI.BigInt(100)
export const _997 = JSBI.BigInt(997)
export const _1000 = JSBI.BigInt(1000)

Test Network

export const FACTORY_ADDRESS = '0xc524aed399c4dc98c42af8fab58f440ff5cd36f0'

export const INIT_CODE_HASH = '0xb0c8165c8794e81a0f70b99700e6427abb5d0df7a5cc78b5d5479ae71d1a6eea'

export const MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY = JSBI.BigInt(1000)

// exports for internal consumption
export const ZERO = JSBI.BigInt(0)
export const ONE = JSBI.BigInt(1)
export const TWO = JSBI.BigInt(2)
export const THREE = JSBI.BigInt(3)
export const FIVE = JSBI.BigInt(5)
export const TEN = JSBI.BigInt(10)
export const _100 = JSBI.BigInt(100)
export const _997 = JSBI.BigInt(997)
export const _1000 = JSBI.BigInt(1000)

Last updated