
Provide liquidity by staking your tokens in Liquidity Pools to share trading fees and receive LP Tokens.

LP Tokens

For example, if you deposited ETH and USDT into a Liquidity Pool, you'd receive ETH - USDT LP tokens.

The number of LP tokens you receive represents your portion of the ETH - USDT Liquidity Pool.

You can also redeem your funds at any time by removing your liquidity.

Liquidity Providers earn trading fees

You will be provided liquidity rewards with trading fees when people trade on your liquidity pool. You can add liquidity for any token pair by staking both tokens.

In return for adding liquidity, you'll receive trading fees for that pair and receive LP Tokens which you can stake in Farms to earn CORN rewards!

Whenever someone trades on Capricorn, the trader pays a 0.3% fee, of which 0.22% is added to the Liquidity Pool of the swap pair they traded on.

Impermanent Loss

Providing liquidity is not without risk.

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